
Showing posts from April, 2022

Open Source Superhero: Sofia The Gold & Silver Dragon

  Background: Bound to the world by a magical, benevolent being: Sofia is a gold and silver dragon spirit and the mystical guardian of the Earth. Powers: 1. Gold/Silver Hybrid Dragon Spirit Physiology 2. Fire Breath 3. Spell Casting 4. Passive Destructible Energy Forcefield Inspired by:

Open Source Characters: Spiritverse Alpha & Spiritverse Omega

Spiritverse Alpha and Spiritverse Omega are crystal pyramids that possess crystal spirits and contain soliton universes. Both have the power to levitate, teleport (themselves and others), regenerate, and project beams of cosmic energy. Their teleportation ability can also transform elementary particles into solitons, allowing them to transport entities made of elementary particles into the soliton universes inside of them. Alpha is a crystal spirit who works for Area 51 to deal with supernatural threats. Omega is a crystal spirit who wants to populate their soliton universe with the most interesting people, places and things by any means necessary.