Latsy Open Source Superhero Character


Latsy is a human possessed by a crystal spirit that grants her the power to summon a multiverse crystal aura.

She can summon her aura by saying the name of any fictional gem or stone backwards, temporarily granting her the powers and abilities of said fictional material.

Latsy possesses an encyclopedic knowledge of fictional materials from comic books, movies, and TV shows due to her awareness of being a fictional character and her ability to break the fourth wall.

She is a collector of rare jewels that only appear when superhuman or supernatural entities are nearby.

Beings with incredible power are drawn to these rare jewels and violently obsess over them.


  1. She can essentially create her own fictional gems if she was a writer/ artist. On the other hand, much like some heroes have people that design their clothing, she can have an artist/ writer come up with and design fictional gems for her. That'd be cool.

    1. when creating the gems, to make it easier for her, if I was the one doing so, I'd create them with english words reversed so she'd just have to say them normally as well.


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